
Primitive movement

7 reasons to make it an everyday practice.

Written by sim

April 7, 2022



Neurodevelopmental movement patterns are crucial for neurological development and appear in early infancy. These patterns play a vital role in establishing fundamental movement skills and are essential for maintaining mobility in aging adults. Regular engagement in these patterns stimulates cognitive processes, preserves cognitive function, and promotes neuroplasticity and adaptability. Reinforcing these patterns can improve joint health and flexibility, prevent falls, and support better posture and alignment. Incorporating these patterns into daily routines can contribute to an overall sense of well-being and lead to a more active, independent, and fulfilling aging experience.

A matter of functional reasoning: 

Neurodevelopmental movement patterns, also known as primitive reflexes, are automatic movements that appear in early infancy and are vital for neurological development. These reflexes are present at birth and necessary for developing more complex motor skills. Integration of these reflexes is essential for properly developing motor coordination, balance, and sensory processing. These patterns are deeply embedded in our DNA and form the basis of our posture, balance, coordination, and emotional regulation, providing valuable insight into our development and unlocking our body’s potential. Neurodevelopmental patterns are critical for the aging body because they are fundamental in maintaining and enhancing overall physical and cognitive function.

These patterns are the foundation of movement and motor skills developed during early life, and their significance persists throughout the aging process for several reasons:

Preservation of Mobility: 

Neurodevelopmental patterns contribute to the establishment of fundamental movement skills. Maintaining mobility becomes essential for independent living and overall well-being as individuals age. These patterns are the basis for coordination, balance, and flexibility, helping older adults sustain mobility and prevent immobility-related issues.

Fall Prevention: 

Many neurodevelopmental patterns focus on activities that improve balance and coordination. These skills are critical for preventing falls, a common concern in the elderly population. By reinforcing these patterns, older adults can enhance their proprioception and reduce the risk of falls, which can lead to severe injuries.

Posture and Alignment:  

Proper posture and body alignment are emphasized in neurodevelopmental patterns. As individuals age, posture issues can arise, leading to discomfort and a higher likelihood of injuries. By reinforcing these patterns, older adults can support better posture, reducing strain on the musculoskeletal system.

Enhanced Well-Being: 

The physical and cognitive benefits of neurodevelopmental patterns contribute to overall well-being. By incorporating these patterns into regular routines, older adults can experience improved mood, reduced stress, and a greater sense of accomplishment, positively influencing their mental and emotional health.

Cognitive Function: 

The practice of neurodevelopmental movement patterns involves coordination between the body and the brain. Regular engagement in these patterns stimulates cognitive processes, including memory, attention, and spatial awareness. For aging individuals, preserving cognitive function is vital for mental acuity and a higher quality of life.

Joint Health and Flexibility: 

Neurodevelopmental movements often involve a range of joint motions. Engaging in these patterns promotes joint health and flexibility. This is particularly important for aging individuals who may experience joint stiffness or conditions such as arthritis. Maintaining flexibility supports overall joint function and minimizes the risk of discomfort and injury.

Neuroplasticity and Adaptability: 

Regular engagement in neurodevelopmental patterns stimulates neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to adapt and form new connections. This is particularly relevant for the aging brain, as it supports ongoing learning, memory retention, and adaptation to changing circumstances.

Designing a daily routine to practice neurodevelopmental movement patterns can contribute significantly to overall well-being, enhancing physical and cognitive functions.


Below is a sample daily routine that incorporates various neurodevelopmental patterns:

Morning Routine:

Wake-Up Stretch (10 minutes):

Begin the day with gentle stretches to wake up the muscles and promote flexibility. Focus on elongating the spine, reaching overhead, and incorporating controlled breathing.

Balance Exercises (12 minutes):

Perform balance exercises to improve stability. Stand on one leg for 30 seconds and switch, gradually increasing the duration over time. Include heel-to-toe walking to enhance proprioception.

Joint Mobilization (10 minutes):

Engage in joint mobilization exercises to promote joint health. Perform controlled circular motions with wrists, ankles, and shoulders.

Midday Break:

Brain-Body Coordination Games (15 minutes):

Play interactive games that involve both physical movement and cognitive engagement. Examples include dance-based games, instrument playing, drumming, or any balance exercise in your toolbox.

Evening relaxation

Evening Relaxation:

Yoga or Tai Chi, Stilness, Meditation (30-60 minutes):

Practice yoga, Tai Chi, or Meditation to promote relaxation and flexibility. Focus on controlled, flowing movements and mindful breathing.

Evening relaxation

Before Bed:

Mindful Stretching (10 minutes):

Engage in gentle stretching to relax muscles before bedtime. Pay attention to areas of tension and aim for a calm, focused stretching routine.

Remember, the goal is to create a routine that combines a variety of neurodevelopmental patterns to promote physical health, cognitive function, and overall well-being. Feel free to customize the routine based on individual preferences and incorporate activities that bring joy and satisfaction.

Additional Tips:

Consistency is Key: Aim to perform these activities consistently each day to maximize their benefits.

Progress Gradually: Start with shorter durations and gradually increase the time as your comfort and ability levels improve.

Modify as Needed: Adapt the routine based on personal preferences, fitness levels, and any specific health considerations.

Stay Hydrated: Drink water throughout the day to support overall health and hydration.

Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body responds to different movements and adjust accordingly.

“Neurodevelopmental patterns are the foundational brushstrokes on the canvas of human movement, each telling a unique story of our early development and potential for growth.”

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